The Pen is mightier than the sword, was once said by great philosophers, and yet in this day and age we wage a war amongst nature, man-kind, and all who to stand in our paths. An age where a sailing vessel is the option, to remotely live, amongst daily dreams of the following day, following evening crimson sunsets amongst clouds of the purest forms, and contemplate why the human does what it does, where it does it, and where it's going with what it does. So many questions we unravel (at a rate which is beyond our control) in this age of information we acquire the knowledge of a united entity described as the world wide web, and yet we place our hands over our eyes, and see only what it is we want to see, or even so what we are programed to see by the powers that be.
What we grasp to aspire, the answers conjured. To move, to develop beyond the ordinary. To set sail beyond dreams, and yet dreams become reality. We grow by the guiding light of Science and faith as it all develops before us. Life is beyond the greatest mystery, which is still out of reach of grasping for answers. We waste our lives living in ways which are unacceptable. On a daily basis I view our kind, our society, rapidly declining, as some may or may not believe, but at a pace which we can-not comprehend. This Journal, as I write it while sailing the Great Lakes, is not meant to be a viewed in a scientific-al viewpoint, but yet as a guideline for the results of, and theory's regarding first hand observations of our World, and our society
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